Dozing off at your desk? If you can’t get through the day without a nap or copious amounts of coffee, you could be suffering from fatigue. Various factors could be hijacking your energy, such as nutritional deficiencies, illness, stress, over-working and under-sleeping. Of course, there are a multitude of factors which could be causing your fatigue, and to truly get to the bottom of the issue, it’s best to have a full consultation with a qualified nutritional therapist.
To get you started, fight back with these energy-boosting foods…
Oats contain good amounts of complex carbohydrates, which are essential for energy production, stamina and mental clarity. Unfortunately, a lot of people these days are carb-phobic and are simply not getting enough of this essential nutrient.
Complex carbs are the body’s primary energy source – providing fuel for both brain and muscles. Put it this way, you wouldn’t drive your car without fuel, so don’t try run your body on empty either!
Whole-grains such as oats also contain a number of B-vitamins, aka the ‘energy vitamins’, which are essential for turning the food you eat into useable energy.
Beans and lentils
and finally... Water!